The template uses only standard Excel features and can be customized and extended within Excel. An average monthly/quarterly/annual cost per employee is calculated for each department and for the total organisation. Totals are provided for each department and the total organisation. Monthly staffing schedules and projected costs are calculated and reports and graphs are produced. The ending figures for each year are automatically carried forward as the opening figures for the subsequent year. This is done by entering the current number of employees/staff in each job category and entering any headcount changes (+ or -) in the month in which they occur. A manpower/staffing schedule is then created for each month for the three-year period. The% of salary extras (social security, pension, etc.) can also be defined for each job category. The current annual salary for each job/staff category is entered, as is the projected changes (+ or -) on a percentage basis for each of the 3 years.

Each department can have as many job/staff categories as a you wish. You can define/customize up to ten departments. This Excel-based manpower/staffing planning and budgeting template allows you to develop a monthly 3-year manpower schedule/budget for up to 10 departments, each with an unlimited number of staff.